Torstai 19.8.2021

Metcon (time)

With partner 8 rounds for time:

4 Clean and jerks 80/50kg

12 Toes to bar

Timecap: 22 minutes

Keskiviikko 18.8.2021

Recovery WOD

Ohjattu palauttava harjoitus

Tiistai 17.8.2021

Metcon (time) 

21-15-9-6-3 reps for time: 

Strict HSPU

Front squats 80/55kg

Bar facing burpees

Timecap: 18 minutes

Maanantai 16.8.2021

Metcon (time)

8 Rounds for time: 

4 Snatches 65/42,5kg

5 Push-ups

6 CTB pull-ups

Timecap: 12 minutes. 

Sunnuntai 15.8.2021

Metcon (time)

For time:

50-35-20 Reps of

Deadlifts 50/35kg

Box step-ups with medball in bearhug

Timecap: 14 minutes

Lauantai 14.8.2021

Metcon (reps)

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

150m run

20 Sit-ups

10 Deadlifts @BW

5 Burpee box get overs 48/40”

Perjantai 13.8.2021

Metcon (time)

3 Rounds for time: 

400m run

30 Lunge steps

15 Toes to bar

Timecap: 15 minutes

Torstai 12.8.2021

Strength (load) 

Back squats

4 rounds:

4 x 2 back squats with 20s rest between sets. 

3:00 min rest between rounds. As heavy as possible/form allows.

Keskiviikko 11.8.2021

Metcon (time)

With a partner 10 rounds (each) for time:

5 Clean and jerks 70/45kg

50 Double-unders

Timecap: 30 minutes

Tiistai 10.8.2021

Recovery WOD

Ohjattu palauttava harjoitus

Maanantai 9.8.2021

Metcon (quality) 

18 minutes for quality & minimum rest of: 

Max effort farmer’s hold 20/15kg plates

13 KB tater’s moderate/heavy KB

:45s Plank hold

*KB taters & plank hold everytime you put the plates down.

Sunnuntai 8.8.2021

Metcon (time)

7 Rounds for time:

15 Wallball shots  20/14lb

10 Sit-ups

5 Squat snatches 60/40kg

Timecap: 30 min

Lauantai 7.8.2021

Kesäpäivät! ☀️

In teams of 3, AMRAP in 40 minutes of: 

70 Deadlifts

70 Bar facing burpees

60 Front squats

60 Weighted box step-ups 

50 Thrusters

50 Wall walks

*Split anyhow

M: 60kg barbell, 24” box & 22,5kg DB

N: 40kg barbell, 20” box & 15kg DB

Perjantai 6.8.2021

Metcon (reps) 

AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 

3 Wallclimbs

3 Devil’s press

30 Double-unders

6 Wallclimbs

6 Devil’s press

60 Double-unders

9 Wallclimbs

9 Devil’s press

90 Double-unders

M: 22,5kg N: 15kg käsipainot

Torstai 5.8.2021

Metcon (quality) 

2 Rounds of:

4:00 min light

3:00 min moderate

2:00 min hard

*Bike erg

Rest 2:00 min

2 Rounds of: 

4:00 min light

3:20 min moderate

2:00 min hard

*Row erg